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200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certified Flow Based Teacher Training
with Ashleigh Beyer & Aura Garver


This 200-Hour Training Program is for anybody who wants to become a certified yoga instructor or who wants to deepen their experience of yoga with an immersion. Join us for a journey of self-discovery and empowerment!


This training includes: 

Asana (postures) extensively
Basic Anatomy
Energy Anatomy (Chakras)
Pranayama (breath)
How to sequence postures 
How to give safe assists
Injury prevention
Teaching to special populations
The business of yoga
Patanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga
The Yamas and Niyamas and basic yoga philosophy
Practice teaching

You will finish the program with a sound foundation in teaching methodology including creative sequencing, effective communication and graceful classroom management. 

This is an opportunity to connect more deeply with your own authentic intention as a yoga practitioner and align with your ability to share this passion with others. With weekly yoga classes, weekend intensives and the culmination of an eight day immersion this will be a transformational and inspired experience!


$2,400 Early Bird Discount. Paid in full upon acceptance prior to January 1st, 2020

$2,650 Paid in full upon acceptance.

Space is limited.  A $500 deposit is required with your application to secure your space (processed upon acceptance).

The balance can then by paid according to the above options.
*Tax is included in all prices
*We accept cash, checks, Visa or MasterCard.

There are no refunds or credits on any deposited payments after program begins. This includes full or partial payments applied to any

aspect of our program. If the program is full or your application is denied all money will be refunded.

Ask us about our RETRAIN DISCOUNT (for teachers already certified) and our SCHOLARSHIP (Request an application)

School begins: February 21, 2020

Program begins Friday evening for orientation from 5-7pm

*All Saturday and Sunday Sessions will run from 8am until 5pm

Weekend Schedule:

Saturday, February 22 and Sunday, February 23

Saturday, February 29 and Sunday, March 1

Saturday, March 7 and Sunday, March 8


Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22

Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29

Saturday, April 4 and Sunday, April 5

Week long intensive begins

Saturday, April 11th and ends with graduation Saturday, April 18th, 2020. Plan to be here all week from 8-5 each day.

Additional coursework

Trainees are also required to attend two classes per week at the studio which are included in the cost of tuition. The Saturday morning class must be attended as part of the program on scheduled weekends so these must be 2 other classes on the schedule.

There are also non-contact hour requirements (homework) to be completed on your own (approx. 25 hours total).


There will be breaks throughout the course of the day for snacks and an hour break for lunch. The training is intensive. Please make all necessary arrangements to commit yourself fully to the training and be there 100%.

Certificate of Completion

You will receive a Certificate of Completion to become a 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher, the Yoga Alliance standard nationally

recognized for teaching yoga, once the program is completed and the requirements listed below are fulfilled:

1) Attend all 6 weekends and the final week intensive (all sessions) of the

Aurafitness Teacher Training in full.

2) Complete all homework assignments on time.

3) Maintain a regular asana and meditation practice.

Your prompt and full attendance is crucial to your getting the most out of your training. Plan ahead to be here on time for ALL sessions. In case of emergency, students must make up all missed hours. A schedule of make up time must be approved by Aura Garver and may involve additional fees.

Code of Conduct

  It is essential to honor the process of the training and respect and support each participant in their growth over the course of the program. The following guidelines are requested of all participants to maintain the sacred space for our learning:

  • Come to all sessions on time. Plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of each session so that you can settle in and be ready to go. Late arrival is disruptive and disrespectful to fellow participants and to the integrity of the program.

  • Come prepared to all sessions with any required homework, materials, mat, water, snacks, etc.

  • No cell phones/cameras will be allowed during sessions.

  • No eating during class. Breaks will be allowed for lunch and snacks.

  • Respect confidentiality. Be aware of how you impact others. Gossip is poison. Intimacy and vulnerability are natural in a course of this nature. Commit to honoring others space and privacy.

  • No talking while the teacher is teaching or interrupting others while they speak. Please raise your hand with any questions. No lying down during discussion/lectures.

  • Participate fully. Always “be in the posture”. Commit to listening and sharing authentically. Be open to the process and the outcome.

Please contact Aura for an application and with any questions: 575-758-9733 or

We look forward to embarking on this journey with you!



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