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Creating a Cradle of Kindness for Your Life with Beloved Meditation Teacher Elesa Commerse


Weekend Retreat in Taos


In the studio Friday through Sunday, October 4 - 6th, 2024

Sometimes we need to retreat from those things that won’t retreat from us. If you are longing to feel more kindness in your world and in your community, join us for this weekend retreat as we build a cradle of kindness for our lives.


These past several years we have been apprenticed to uncertainty. Yes, all life is change - but the magnitude and rapidity of change have accelerated - and from so many sources. We have discovered and developed coping mechanisms to see us through. That said, many of us feel a deep fatigue, depletion, and exhaustion. We call this resilience fatigue. While we long for ground, certainty, and constancy, the truth is we must continue to cultivate the ability to roll with what is and with what isn't in order to maintain equanimity in our life. This is a dynamic practice that requires deftness, self-compassion, and spiritual friendship. One of the most helpful things we can do is create a cradle of kindness for our lives. We construct this cradle with great love and care - naming and identifying its essential parts - while we practice using them. In doing so, this cradle of kindness becomes integral to who we are and how we experience life as it is. Elesa will offer insight and guidance as we build the cradle of kindness together.


Experience the deepest rest possible through the restorative practice of Yoga Nidra. Elevate your vibration by chanting heart-opening Sanskrit mantras that invoke lovingkindness, peace and equanimity. Walk in awe as a child of the Great Mother. Practice deep listening to yourself and your neighbors as you discover the healing medicine that lies within your own story. You are tired for a reason. Come rest, come sing, come hug, come lay your burdens down — come experience the inherent joy in being born a human being! and experience the bliss of being held and soothed in a genuine cradle of kindness.


The Entire Weekend is $375 and the Schedule is:

Friday, October 4th from 5-7 PM

Saturday, October 5th from 10 AM - 12 PM and 2 PM - 4 PM

Sunday, October 6th from 10 AM - 1 PM




​Attend Friday Evening Only for $65

Friday, October 4th from 5-7 PM

Yoga Nidra​​​

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